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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Prank Rules

So I was never actually at any of the following events, although I wish I was because they are so funny. I've been trying to get some of the details from Bryant, but he hasn't gotten back to me, so I'm just going to forge ahead and do my best, and if I get some things wrong, it's Bryant's fault.

So throughout the Fall Semester, the boys in B23 had this habit of pranking people. Well, not just people, but Rob. And I feel like the pranking was mostly Steven's idea because he's very persuasive, and the pranking mostly stopped after he left.

Poor Rob. Remember him? Sir Robert? Well, let's just say that a lot of things bother him. Like when things aren't clean, or when germs touch his food, or when his food touches the floor. Things like that. Well some of the pranks that involved Rob were when they put a quarter deep in the heart of his peanut butter, so he didn't find it for days. But when he did, he freaked out and I'm fairly certain that he threw the peanut butter away (again, a little hazy on the details. Bryant's fault, I'm telling ya!). A few times, he would open his closet door and Tyler would walk out of it. And they weren't very big closets, and they were locked so it's kinda creepy for Tyler to be walking out of there. Again, there was the freaking out. And there was this other time where Murphy threw this gross, rotten smelling flour on Rob while he was in the shower (I was actually there for that one. So hilarious.) But one prank was so big that it became the reason why the Prank Rules were started.

I don't really remember everything that the Prank Rules said. There were some things about not logging into another's Facebook and other such nonsense. At the end it said something along the lines of: "And if you feel that someone is trying to steal your bath toys, you are free to attack them in your birthday suit." Now when Emily and I saw that line, we were so confused as to why that rule was necessary. Bath toys? Birthday suits? What was going on in this apartment? (We didn't really know them then, so we had no idea what kind of people these were.) So Rob told us the story:

One day, Rob was taking a shower. This happens every day, rest assured. It's just that this particular day, Tyler had to clean the bathroom for his cleaning checks. So Tyler is cleaning the bathroom while Rob is showering, with no intention of pranking him whatsoever. He gets to the bathtub that Rob is showering in and moves Rob shampoo and conditioner out of the way to clean where they were (although I question Tyler's methods of cleaning, I don't doubt his innocence). Rob, thinking that Tyler is taking them away as some sort of prank, lunges out at Tyler to stop him AND SLIPS. Big uh oh. Now do you remember how big Rob is? About 6'3" and broad shouldered. Not as slim as Tyler. So Rob slips OUT OF THE BATHTUB onto Tyler! Tyler scrambles out from under Rob and runs screaming (like a little girl according to Rob) down the hallway into the kitchen, freaking out about what had just happened (which is quite reasonable. I mean, Rob did just fall on top of him!)

And so this incident is why the guys are free to attack others in their birthday suits--but only if their bath toys are being threatened!

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